Fine Line takes the stage at Writers Festival
The haunting soundtrack for our video of the Fine Line donated by Sigur Ros is to be featured on the big screen in Aotea Square when the film is played regularly over three days of the Auckland Writers Festival this month.
Our book Fine Line will be truly launched and for sale at the festival and we will be “In Conversation” with Kennedy Warne on stage at the on 27 August. As editor of NZ Geographic magazine Kennedy has known us since the inception of the Fine Line project in 1995 when he commissioned a piece about our land art work and then a few years later published our adventure story idea exploring a significant stream in the Waitakere Ranges in West Auckland. Titled Opanuku: Source to the Sea it involved abseiling down waterfalls in dense bush and making our way to the Waitemata harbour wading, kayaking and photographing over three days.
It will be interesting to talk to Kennedy of our journeys and adventures since then to complete the journeys and climbs in the 12 mountain locations where we made the ephemeral sculptures connected by the fine line encircling Earth.